Wednesday, November 10

Great News!

Many works in progress! This is my "studio." Yup, I sleep and make art here, sometimes eat too. It's actually really nice to have your work space right next to your bed. Seriously, if there was a lounge with cots in the Art Building at NIU, that would be where I'd sleep at night during undergrad. I wouldn't be the only one either.

I was talking about this with a few of the printmaking grads at Kari McDonald's Senior BFA show at Katie's Cup in Rockford. You should check out Kari's show. The space is really nice and the work is awesome!
I'm also very excited for Erika McIlnay's upcoming BFA show at Pleasant Street Gallery in DeKalb November 18th. The show is called Devouring the Innocuous. Her work is amazing. Become aquainted with her, her work because this chick is going places.

I have some really good news: IMMA GONNA TEACH PRINTMACKIN'!! Excited? Yeah.
Kari Kraus from Water Street Studios approached me about setting up dates and times for the class. Yay!! Tuesdays and Thursdays for the month of April. All about Woodcuts, baby! April's a while away but I'm so excited about it. Sign up! I'm gonna be an awesome teacher!

Above is a little sneak peak for an exchange....hmmmmmmmm!