Tuesday, October 4

Start of a New Class

Hey! Just poppin' in to post some pics from the first day of class.
Remember previous posts about my first class? I was so worried about my 13 yr old liking the class and struggling with the materials. Turns out he loves the class. He's back for the third time. I have two other students who want to come back but because of scheduling conflicts, they can't make it. So far it's just the two of us in the class. Private lessons, woooo!

Since this is his third class, I'm mixing it up. We're going to make sculptures which we will be pasting prints on the surface. I think it will be a good challenge to think about creating textures through the relief mark making process as well as constructing a 3-d object. I'm taking a lot of inspiration from Dennis McNett.

I'm also planning on collaborating with my student to make a piece for the upcoming Exquisite Corpse Show at Water Street Studios. It will be awesome!

Darius Hurley, a resident artist, popped by to check out the class. He very much likes the WolfBat hat I brought in as an example. I must give credit to awesome dude, Marco Camacho for his masterwork construction of this righteous hat.

While I'm on the topic of complimenting solid work, I am loving the Big-O OST by Toshihiko Sahashi. Big-O is an interesting anime as it is, think giant robot anime meets batman, but the music is quite amazing.

G'night, ev'rybody!!